
Saturday, October 15, 2011

Ghandi and Marathons

Long time no see :) If I told you I've been busy, I'd be TREMENDOUSLY understating the craziness of the last couple weeks. I don't know what little devil possessed me to work full time, go to school full time, assistant teach part time, do photography part time, and be a full time wife and mother (to a dog...). Phew. Needless to say, blogging isn't terribly high on the priority list! I couldn't sleep anymore so I left my sweetheart in bed and came downstairs to get some work done (this was a much for sleeping in on my day off...). At this point, blogging is an avoidance tactic. I'm not really looking forward to studying for the live model prostate exam I get to do on Wednesday (ick... why'd I pick family practice over pediatric practice???). So, as a fruit of my procrastination, you will get to see my marathon photos! Lucky you! haha. Many of you who actually read this blog, already know I ran St. George Marathon 2 weeks ago. What was my time you say? I say "VERY SLOW." Alas, I will chalk it up to a gimp knee and a lot of under training. Regardless, I finished (walking too! I didn't have to be carried out like I originally thought!). I couldn't help but think about the race as an all too familiar likeness of my life. I now have my medal hanging in my closet as a daily reminder that I am a "Finisher" - not a quitter, or an I'll do it later, or maybe if I feel like it - a Finisher. I may have to walk/crawl/limp/lean on someone else to get to my goals, but I'll get there. Yes, life is a marathon...or maybe an ultra-marathon (but I have no goals of doing one of those crazy things...people are not meant to run a 100 miles. That's why God gave us cars, or at least bikes!). With that I'll end with an awesome quote by Ghandi: The difference between what we do and what we are capable of doing will suffice to solve most of the world's problems. Go make a difference this week :)

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