
Wednesday, May 2, 2012

Warning: Severed Limbs!

Well, to be honest, I didn't actually sever any limbs...though I lacerated a few...

Not real limbs of course (who do you people think I am?)! After last weekend's muddy wedding, I decided to stop by at my local Supermercado, muddy feet and all. I figured I would already get a few strange "looks" walking into a hispanic market with my blazingly blond hair, non existent eyebrows, "sun kissed" cheeks and porcelain skin (like how I didn't say ghostly white! It makes me feel better about myself!). Why not throw in really muddy feet to just make the whole picture that much weirder! I am totally used to it though. When I lived in Guadalajara, people in the markets would stop me to take pictures with me. I'm pretty sure it wasn't because I was exceptionally gorgeous... probably more along the lines of very tall and very pale!

After getting the head to toe (you know, when the person stops and looks confusedly at you from the top of your head to the bottom of your feet and everything in-between...) from Juan the butcher, I kindly asked him for two of his biggest pig's feet. I really think he wanted to ask what I was going to do with said foot, but perhaps he thought better of it. I can honestly say that despite spending some quality time in the kitchen with my "mama" in Mexico, I never saw a pig's foot used. Perhaps she thought we fried food loving americans couldn't handle a nice bowl of pigs foot Posole (although I hear it's really quite amazing!).

Fast forward a couple days to last night. I trekked to my last class of the semester at 5pm with red plastic bag full of pigs feet. Once there, all my classmates and I proceeded to dump the limbs onto the table and started taking scalpels to them. Sounds fun, huh? Maybe a little grotesque? The stench was awful at first, but the nice thing about smell receptors, is they get overwhelmed pretty quick and stop "smelling."

The whole point of this long and drawn out story is that I got to learn to suture last night! There. I said it. I pretty much thought I'd be amazing at it, since I'm crafty and all, but it was a lot harder than I thought! I like to think I got better as I practiced! Then time ran out... and my poor severed pig's foot was left with a couple of incompletely (and poorly) sutured lacerations. Poor Wilbur. It was pretty fun. In a sick kind of way.

Now for the gory pictures!


Kelli said...

Um, pretty much awesome. I'm jealous. I've wanted to learn to suture so badly-none of the docs will let me do it at work ;). Nice work!

Unknown said...

You should just bring some sutures home from work and try it yourself! There's probably a YouTube video :)